Charles Smith


Location and Department:

Ambler, International Sales

How long have you been with the company?

I started in 2009.

What has been your most rewarding project or highlight since joining?

One of the biggest highlights is getting hired, and I say that with all sincerity. After spending years working in unrewarding jobs, where my efforts, skills and dedication went unnoticed, I can now say that working at Bradford White gives me purpose and a sense of accomplishment. In my current position, it is incredible rewarding to travel the world, experience other cultures and build friendships internationally.

What has been your most rewarding project or highlight since joining?

One of the biggest highlights is getting hired, and I say that with all sincerity. After spending years working in unrewarding jobs, where my efforts, skills and dedication went unnoticed, I can now say that working at Bradford White gives me purpose and a sense of accomplishment. In my current position, it is incredible rewarding to travel the world, experience other cultures and build friendships internationally.

How would you describe BWC products to a family member or friend?

Not many people are aware of the brand of water heater they have unless they are in the business. I would describe Bradford White products as best-in-class; designed by the brightest, built by the best and sold by the hardest working employees in the industry.

How would you describe BWC products to a family member or friend?

Not many people are aware of the brand of water heater they have unless they are in the business. I would describe Bradford White products as best-in-class; designed by the brightest, built by the best and sold by the hardest working employees in the industry.